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(Università di Siena)

(Liber de lapide minerali; Testamentum ultimum secretum angelorum)

Incipit/explicit: In nomine Domini Iesu Christi Virginisque Mariae ...Carole fili mi cum ad me venisti .../ ... ab omni periculo et aperto ut tibi descripsi(mus).
References: S 3, 69; HLF 274; Gl me; HMES IV, 26; TK 279
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.46; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.53; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 923; Mainz, Priesterseminar, s.n.(1); München, BS, clm 10493a; München, BS, clm 11031; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 II.
Note: Divided into four books, treating `de carbunculo magno, de creatione quintae essentiae vegetabilis, de rectificatione elementorum et de compositione limorum, de ultima confectione duarum magnarum radicum'. It includes a catalogue of alchemical writings attributed to Lull. Without alphabet or figures. This text is part of a group of homogeneous alchemical works preserved in a small group of manuscripts, dating from the very end of the fifteenth century up to the eighteenth, and partly listed in a letter of 1588 recorded by M. Batllori, Records de Llull i Vilanova à Italia, "Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia 10 (1943), pp. 11-15. They include the following items: I.3, 9, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 55, 58, 59, 63. Cfr. II.29, note)(

(Apertorium abbreviatum; Liber lunariae)

Incipit/explicit: Sapientes nostri asserunt quod tantum sit unus lapis compositum solum ex quatuor elementis (Sapientes dicunt quod non est nisi unus lapis) .../ ... secundum suam maneriem cuius causam quaeras in Testamento.
References: S 6; HLF 106; Gl kt; HMES IV, 51, 627-8; TK 1377; Singer, Catalogue, 258
Editions: Nürnberg 1546 (RD 94); Basel 1561 (RD 99); Köln1567 (RD 109)
Manucripts: Barcelona, BC, 1740; Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 142(109); Bologna, BU, 169(181); Bologna, BU, 270(457) XXIII.3; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.77; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q 33; London, BL, Sloane 1091; London, WML, 384; Madrid, BN, 17714; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, P 148 Sup.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 356; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 368; München, BS, clm 10590; München, BS, clm 10600; München, BS, clm 27000; Oxford, BL, Ashmole 1484; Paris, BN, lat. 14007; Torino, BU, 1314; Wien, ÖNB, 2474
Note: Theoretical and practical treatise, where the generation of the philosophers' stone is compared to the human generation. The alchemical magisterium is claimed to be effective not `per incantamentum magicae figurae', but `per naturam et de natura et etiam cum natura'. Without alphabets or figures; King Robert is cited.


Incipit/explicit: In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, o Domine Iesu Christe, ego Raymundus, miser peccator .../ ... tibi dato et care laudem Domini nostri Iesu Christi.
References: S 5; HLF 269; Gl ma; TK 491
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI. 58; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; Mainz, Priesterseminarbibl., s.n. (1); München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III.
Note: Alchemy has three parts: transmutation, medicine and artificial gems. Its basic principle is succum lunariae. The last chapter describes a circular figure, `De rota in qua est universum principium magisterii et de planctu naturae'.

(Liber quatuor aquarum)

Incipit/explicit: Reverendo B. salutem et pacem iuxta ritum Salvatoris. Intuita namque littera tua breviter cognovimus paupertatis te vinculo (Reverendo patri salutem ...; Venerando amico salutem ...) ... / ... si ibi non ponatur apud silvestrem oleandrum cardinalem visci squillam etc.
References: HLF 264; Gl lv; HMES IV, 629; TK 1358; Corbett I, 159
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XII.6; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Paris, BN, lat. 12969; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3076; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: It is a brief treatise on alchemical waters, perhaps linked to the Liber de secretis naturae. It is divided into four parts: `de aquarum confectione; de modo practicandi cum eis ad aurum et argentum; de confectione basilisci; de applicatione earum ad corpora humana'. Without alphabet or figures. In ms. Yale 12 there are three alternative dates for the text: 1322, 1332, 1329.

(Ars magicalis super alchimiae artem; Magica lapidis philosophorum; Magica parva)

Incipit/explicit: Sunt plures nimis errantes per universum mundum (Sunt multi errantes in hoc mundo universali ...; Multi sunt erratici ...) .../ ... si scis probare per rationem quae venit ad suam proprietatem secundum cursum naturae (S: ...ergo sublima cor tuum ad omnipotentem Deum)
References: S 10; HLF 119; Gl kc, ok; HMES IV, 46, 629; TK 1542, 887; Corbett I, 190
Editions: Basel 1561 (RD 99); Köln1567 (RD 109)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 270 (457) V.1; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XXXVI.3; Bologna, BU, 524; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; London, WML, 384; Madrid. BN. 17714; Madrid, BN, 18341; Mainz, Priesterseminar, s.n (2); Milano, B. Ambrosiana, G 66 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 134; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 205; München, BS, clm 10599; Palma, BF, 16 (2/32); Palma, CPL, 36; Palma, B. Ferran Capdebou, s. 18; Paris, BN, lat. 14008; Wien, ÖNB, 12857


Incipit: Corruptio et depuratio fiunt simul abstrahendo partem causae ...
References: HLF 122; Gl lj; TK 271
Manuscript: London, WML, 384

Note: Theoretical and practical treatise, within a conceptual framework similar to that of the Testamentum, with alphabet and tables. The author teaches `acquirere multas artes reales occultas in natura' and warns the reader that `naturam non poteris videre nec realiter possidere in forma nec in materia sine operatione'. The second part is cited as 'Cathalanica practica' in an alchemical French treatise of the fifteenth century (Oxford, ms. Digby 164; cfr. Batista y Roca, p. 15).

(Ars operativa de aquis condimentalibus et medicinalibus; Liber de aquis et oleis)

Incipit/explicit: Cum ego Raymundus Ilerdae existens essem rogatus a quibusdam caris amicis ( Prologue: Domine Iesu Christe qui est vere ...) .../ ... item hoc sperma bibitum alleviat hominis membra aggravata.
References: S 11; HLF 89; Gl jx; HMES IV, 22, 631; TK 296; Singer, Catalogue, 1004; Corbett I 108
Editions: Lyone 1523 (in: Bernardi de Lavinheta Explanatio, RD 78); Basel 1561 (RD 100); Basel 1597 (RD 143); Köln1612 (in the second edition of Lavinheta, RD 168)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Budapest, Orsz gos Sz‚ch‚nyi K"nyvt r, 202; Firenze, BML, Ashb. 1448; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; København, KB, Gl. kgl. S 1713; LiŠge, BU, 354; London, BL, Add. 9351; London, BL, Harley, 5399; London, BL, Sloane 75; London, BL, Sloane 1091; London, WML, 117; London. WML, 520; Madrid, BN, 17714; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 356; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 482; München, BS, clm 10599; München, BS, clm 10601; Orléans, B. Municipale, 1031; Oxford, BL, Ashmole 1444; Oxford, BL, Ashmole 1484; Oxford, BL, Canon/ Misc. 195; Palma, BF, 17 (3/9); Paris, BN, lat. 7164; Paris, BN, lat. 15095; Poppi, B. Comunale, 59; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-32; Vaticano, lat. 4093; Vaticano, Ottob. lat. 561; Vaticano, Pal. lat. 1187; Vaticano, Ross. lat. 576; Venezia, BNM, lat. VI.282; Verona, B. Comunale, 606; Yale, BLMC, 8; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: Brief treatise on the medical virtues of the fifth essence, without alphabets or figures. The author introduces himself as a disciple of Arnald of Villanova and tells of a vision in which Saint Gilles, one of the four patron saints of the road to Compostella, has revealed him medical secrets.


Incipit/explicit: Amor me facit hoc rimare .../ ... quae sunt prudentia et charitas
References: HLF 128bis; Gl jw; HMES IV, 632; TK 92; Singer, Catalogue, 805
Editions: Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Basel 1610 (RD 164); Frankfurt 1630 (RD 202); Genève 1702 (RD 285) (all at the end of the Testamentum novissimum, all incomplete) .
Manuscripts: Oxford, BL, 465; Oxford, BL, Ashmole 1479; Oxford, BL, Digby 85.
Note: The Latin Cantilena usually follows the complete text of the Testamentum (cfr. I.61), and is often followed in its turn by the text of the Aphorismi (II.6).Yet the oldest known manuscript of the Cantilena is not Latin, but Catalan: Palma, BP 1025. The first edition of the Catalan text (J. Rosselló, Obras rimadas de Ramon Lull, 1859) lacked the last stanzas, which were integrated by the same Rosselló from the text given in ms London, BL, Sloane 419 ("Museu Balear" 1, 1875). Cfr. ORL, vol. XX, ii: Rims, ed. S. Galmes, 1938, pp. xiv-xvi and 290-293 and Carreras y Artau, Historia, II, pp. 53-54. In mss. Oxford BL 465, Oxford CCC 244, Oxford BL, Ashm. 1479 and 1483 the Catalan text is accompanied by a Latin commentary of the first ten stanzas, which clarifies the alchemical meaning of the verses (an edition of the Catalan and Latin text as given in ms Oxford CCC 244, plus the Latin commentary, is currently under press: cfr. below, I.61, note).


Incipit/explicit: Nos appella(vi)mus hoc opus nostrum claviculam, quia sine hoc presenti libro .../ ... faeces semper abiiciendo, antequam ponatur in opere etc.
References: HLF 117; Gl lf, oh; HMES IV, 632; TK 924; Corbett I, 123; II, 96-7
Editions: Köln1579 (RD 124); Leiden 1598 (RD 145); Frankfurt 1599 (RD 146); Ursell 1602 (RD 151); Leiden 1602 (RD 152); Strasburg 1613 (RD 174); Strasburg 1659 (RD 239); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: London, WML, 512; London, WML, 3557; London, WML, 3563; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 357; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,474; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine, 482; München, BS, clm 25110; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 766; Paris, BN, lat. 314; Paris, BN, lat. 7165; Vaticano, Urb. lat. 1444; Venezia, BNM, ital. IV.55 (5097)
Note: Theoretical and practical treatise referring to the Testamentum, with a strong religious flavour (the alchemical nigredo is compared to Christ's death). Without alphabet or figures.

(Clavis aurea de transmutatione metallorum)

Incipit/explicit: Rex et fili, oportet ut habeas Mercurium duorum luminarium (S: Rex serenissime et fili carissime, volo tibi declarare altum et admirabile magisterium ...) .../ ... occultando scientiam istam et a propriis eorum filiis (S: ...cum patre et matre sua in saecula saeculorum amen)
References: S 16; HLF 270; Gl mb; HMES IV, 633; TK 1360, 1361
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.47; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,300
Note: Maybe Salzinger referred to a different text with the same title, of which no manuscript is known today. Is is a brief alchemical practica, followed by `nomina philosophorum in libro Turbe descriptorum in laudibus que dixerunt de creatione menstrui'.

(Clausula testamenti; Compendium testamenti; Thesaurus infinitus; Vademecum de numero philosophorum)

Incipit/explicit: Deus in virtute trinitatis qua unitas divinitatis non laeditur .../ ... facere potes dum tamen intelligas magisterium
References: S 18; HLF 103; Gl kq2, kq3, ny; HMES IV, 633; TK 409; Singer, Catalogue, 252
Editions: Köln1563 (RD 101); Köln1572 (RD 115); Frankfurt 1630 (RD 202); Rouen 1651 (RD 232); Rouen 1663 (RD 248); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Barcelona, BC, 1728; Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XII.8; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XVI.5; Bruxelles, B. Royale, 3751; Cambridge, CCC, 112; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XV.22; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 792; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 691; København, KB, Gl. kgl. S 236 F; London, BL, Harley 5399; London, WML, 444;London, WML, 3563; Madrid, BN, 17721; Madrid, BN, 18341; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, R 94 Sup.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, R 98 Sup.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10600; München, BS, clm 25110; Nantes, 523 (franç.357); Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1483; Palma, Pontificio Colegio de N. Señorade la Sapiencia, Legajos 7; Palma, BF, 16 (2/32); Palma, BF 17 (3/9); Paris, BN, lat. 7163; Paris, BN, lat. 14007; Roma, B. Casanatense, 657; Torino, BU, 1051; Vaticano, lat. 5846; Wien, ÖNB, 5485; Yale, BLMC, 12


Incipit: Materia siquidem nostri lapidis vel sulfuris est humor seminalis ...
References: HMES IV, 647; TK 851
Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, Pal. 792

Note: One of the most important, and probably the most beautiful of the alchemical works attributed to Lull. The basic principle of nature is love, and matter is bound by 'amoris foedere'. Grounding on this universal sympathy, the author explains the alchemical practice by means of theoremata (=principles). Ch. 7 presents the two central themes: the analogy between human generation and the alchemical opus, and the need for a 'reformatio materiae', which is the final purpose of the illuminated artifex. From ch. 12 on, the four stages of the opus are described. In ch. 63 there are some probably autobiographical hints. Pseudo-Lullian texts are cited ( Testamentum and Liber de intentione alchimistarum) along with other alchemical authorities and the Hermetical Tabula Smaragdina, whose fourth proposition is extensively commented upon. Alphabet and circular figures are used, with Lullian terminology concerning the human cognitive faculties. I.10a is a chapter of the Codicillus (cfr. ed. 1702, p. 897).


Incipit/explicit: Precor te, omnipotens aeterne Deus, clemens .../ ... sicut iustum et aequum est in omnibus et per omnia
References: S 19; HLF 263; Gl lu; TK 1082
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.58; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana. 1595 III
Note: Brief discussion on the principles of alchemy; for some alchemists they are two, for others they are three, according to the threefold composition of man ( corpus, spiritus, anima).

(Anima artis, Compendium super lapidarium, Lapidarius)

Incipit/explicit: Fulgeat regis diadema Ruberti ...Iam saepe et saepius elocuti recolimus in multis et diversis modis .../ ... largitor existens, regnans per omnia saecula. 2nd part: Tu in virtute de A ...; 3rd part: Opus namque margaritarum ... 2nd version: Quaesivisti quis trium lapidum .../ ... elige ergo ex ea intentum.
References: S 4; HLF 115, 266; Gl ld, ld1, lx, oi; HMES IV, 626-7; TK 650, 1016, 1591; Singer, Catalogue, 253, ii, xi-xii; Corbett I, 186, 121; II, 126
Editions: Nürnberg 1546 (RD 94); Frankfurt 1550 (RD 96); Basel 1561 (RD 99); Köln1566 (RD 106); Basel 1572 (RD 116); Köln1573 (RD 119); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Ursell 1602 (RD 151); Strasburg 1613 (RD 174); Frankfurt 1630 (RD 202); Strasburg 1659 (RD 239); Rouen 1633 (RD 247); Genève 1702 (RD 285: two slightly different versions)
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 164 (153); Bologna, BU, 168 (180); Bologna, BU, 169 (181); Bologna, BU, 270 (457) V.1; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XXXIV.2; Bruxelles, B. Royale, 3751; Cambridge, CCC, 112; Cambridge, CCC, 396; Cambridge, Trinity College, 1199 (O.III.27); Cambridge, Trinity College, 1389 (O.VIII.14); Cambridge, Trinity College, 1407 (O.VIII.32); Canterbury, Cathedral Library, 50; Firenze, BML, Gaddi reliq. 174; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.105; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. O.8; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q.11; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q.33; London, BL, Harley 5399; London, BL, Sloane 419; London, WML, 444; London, WML, 525; London, WML, 526; London, WML, 3563; Mainz, Priesterseminar, s.n. (2); Milano, B. Ambrosiana. D 130 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 134; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 356; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,493; München, BS, clm 10599; München, BS, clm 25110; Oxford, BL, 645; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1441; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1471; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Oxford, CCC, 244; Palma, CPL, 19; Paris, BN, lat. 7150; Paris, BN, lat. 7164; Paris, BN, lat. 14007; Paris, BN, lat. 14008; Ravenna, B. Classense, 388; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Vaticano, Pal. lat. 381; Wien, ÖNB, 2474; Wien, ÖNB, 5487; Winchester, The Warden and Fellows Library, 39; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: It is one of the most complex pseudo-Lullian works, for what concerns its textual tradition. Its main focus is on the 'pars lapidifica' (i.e. the making of precious stones), to which it applies the fifth essence of the Liber de secretis naturae. It cites the Testamentum both in Catalan and in Latin and uses alphabet, figures and alchemical devices described in the Liber de secretis naturae.

(Ars magica naturalis; Compendium artis magicae; Compendium de secreta transmutatione metallorum; Compendium quintae essentiae; De vero lapide; Magia minor; Magia naturalis; Parva magia; Practica magistri Raymundi de compositione lapidis philosophorum; Superadditio totius operis Raymundi Lulli)

Incipit/explicit: Scias, carissime fili, naturae cursum esse reformatum (
Incipit compendium artis magicae secundum cursum naturae reformatum ...) .../ ... secundum quod medicinae fuerint in illis, vel ad album vel ad rubeum. 3rd ch.: Accipe (Recipe) nigrum nigrius nigro ...
References: S 21, 22; HLF 123, 127, 282; Gl lk, lp, mm, mm2, of; HMES IV, 48, 630-631; TK 22, 674, 1385
Editions: Nürnberg 1546 (RD 94); Köln1567 (RD 109); Basel 1610 (RD 164); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Barcelona, BC, 1740; Bern, Bürgerbibl., B 44; Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Bologna, BU, 270 (457) V.1; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XXXVI.3; Cambridge, Trinity College, 1407; Firenze, BML, Ashb. 190; Firenze, BML, Gaddi reliq. 174; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 792; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 390; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; København, KB, Gl. kgl. S. 3498; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. O.8; London, BL, Sloane 1091; London, WML, 443; London, WML, 444; London, WML, 526; London, WML, 3563; London, WML, 3574; Madrid, BN, 17714; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, G 66 Inf.; Orléans, B. Municipale, 291; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Stuttgart, W ürttembergische Landesbibl., HB XI 48; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-39; Wien, ÖNB, 5487; Wien, ÖNB, 12834; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3107; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: Brief alchemical practica on the extraction of the fifth essence, which is defined as `magic' at the beginning of the text. It cites the Testamentum and Compendium animae transmutationis metallorum. Without alphabet or figures.


Incipit/explicit: Rex serenissime et illustrissime, pluries a me .../ ... omnes autem pauperes tibi commendo.
References: S 20; HLF 277; Gl mh; TK 1361
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, XVI.49; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 803; Oxford, BL, lat. misc. 40
Note: Medico-alchemical secrets based on the fifth essence.


Incipit/explicit: Rex serenissime et amantissime fili, cum hoc arcanum occultae philosophiae sit secretum Dei .../ ... de proiectione quomodo dicemus.
References: S 48; HLF 276; Gl mg; HMES IV, 13-14; TK 1361
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.55; München, BS, clm 10493b; München, BS, clm 11031; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 I


Incipit: In infinitum in practica sua dicemus ...

Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28


Incipit: Accipe Rex serenissimum solem purum et mundum de minera ...
References: S 15; HLF 275; Gl mf
Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28

Note: Brief practica. Many alchemical authorities are cited, among whom are Plato, Saint Thomas and `magister Arnaldus'.

(Repertorium ad intelligendum Testamentum et Codicillum)

Incipit/explicit: Aqua ergo (vero) nostra philosophica tribus naturis componitur .../ ... in hoc latet practica apud plures.
References: S 23; HLF 104; Gl kr; HMES IV, 51, 648; TK 118; Singer, Catalogue, 250 xi, 259
Editions: Basel 1561 (RD 99); Köln1567 (RD 109)
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 168 (180); Bologna, BU, 270 (457) II.1; Cambridge, CCC, 396; Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.59; London, BL, Sloane 1255; London, WML, 384; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10600; München, BS, clm 25115; München, BS, clm 26059; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1483; Paris, B. de l'École de Pharmacie, 33; Paris, BN, lat. 634; Paris, BN, lat. 11202; Torino, BU, 1051; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: Brief practica, without alphabet or figures; it does not cite any other pseudo-Lullian work.

(Medicina magna)

Incipit/explicit: Proponimus namque (profecto) tibi in praesenti libro (Recipe aquae benedictae quae alio nomine aqua vitae vocatur ...) .../ ... et repletione si dicta medicina bibatur.
References: S 51; HLF 88; Gl jz, km, kn; HMES IV,56; TK 1138-9
Editions: Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147)
Manuscripts: Cambridge, Trinity College, O. VIII. 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.43; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.76; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 134; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 482; München, BS, clm 10599; Napoli, BN, Fondo San Martino Aggiunti, 13; Oxford, BL, lat. misc. 40; Paris, B. du Musée Condé à Chantilly, 332; Paris, BN, lat. 7150; Roma, B. Corsiniana, 129; Überlingen, Leopold-Sophien Bibliothek, 160; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Vaticano, Ottob. lat. 1853; Venezia, BNM, lat. Z 325
Note: Medico-alchemical treatise linked to the Liber de secretis naturae. It contains a panacea with dozens of ingredients.


Incipit: Raymundus volens se contristari ...(not seen)
References: S 33; HLF 308; Gl nm; HMES IV, 636; TK 1316
Manuscript: München, BS, clm 10590
Note: The only manuscript known of this text has it in addition to authentic Lullian works; also authentic works are cited inside the text, according to Salzinger.


Incipit/explicit: Quam plurimos libros diversarum operationum .../ ... claudit et aperit, cuius nomen sit benedictum.
References: S 29; HLF 105; Gl ks; HMES IV, 24 n.69; TK 1162
Editions: Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Genève1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Dresden, SächsischeLandesbibl., N 177; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. F 29; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q 33; London, WML, 3557; London, WML, 3563; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 482; San Marino (California), H.E. Huntington Library, s.n.; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3144; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3641
Note: Brief treatise, whose author claims to simplify the theoretical part of the Testamentum. It insists on the uniqueness of the stone and the simplicity of the alchemical opus. Not to be confused with the Lucidarium Testamenti.

(Epistola accurtatoria lapidis ad Robertum Anglorum regem)

Incipit/explicit: Cum ego Raymundus de insula Maioricarum .../ ... cuius nomen benedictum sit in aeternum.
References: S 31; HLF 112; Gl kz; HMES IV, 24, 623, 625; TK 296; Singer, Catalogue, 250; Corbett I, 190, 270
Editions: Köln1567 (RD 110); Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Genève1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bethlehem (Penn.), Lehigh University Library, 1; Bologna, BU, 138 (104); Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Bologna, BU, 164 (153); Bologna, BU 270 (457) V.1; Bologna, BU 270 (457) XXXIII.3; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XXXVI.3; Boston, Medical Library, 18; Cambridge, CCC, 112; Cambridge, Trinity College, 1199; Edinburgh, Univeristy Library, 141; Firenze, BML, Gaddi reliq. 174; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.25; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 792; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 1051; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 390; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; Kassel, Landesbibl., Chem. Folio 13; København, KB, Gl. kgl. 1713; København, KB, Gl. kgl. S 3498; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. O.5; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. O.8; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q.2; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q.33; London, BL, Sloane 1118; London, BL, Sloane 3457; London, WML, 384; London, WML, 385; London, WML, 444; London, WML, 450; London, WML, 3563; Madrid, BN, 7443; Modena. B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10590; München, BS, clm 10600; München, BS, clm 24111; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1047; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1471; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1480; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Paris, BN, lat. 14008; Paris, BN, franç.2018; Paris, BN, franç.19960; Poppi, B. Comunale, 59; Reggio Emilia, B. Municipale, MS vari E 10; Rimini, B. Civica Gambalunghiana, 88; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-32; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Wien, ÖNB, 2474; Wien, ÖNB 5230; Wien, ÖNB 5487; Wien, ÖNB, 5509; Wien, ÖNB, 5510; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3076; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3284; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3641; Yale, BLMC, 12; Yale, BLMC, 19
Note: One of the most famous and widespread works of the pseudo-Lullian alchemical corpus. It is a brief practica, concerning three kinds of lapis: ( mineralis, vegetalis, animalis). It shows the only way to shorten the operative process, which is accomplished by means of various fifth essences (f.e. vitrioli, f.e. aquae ardentis etc.). It bears an explicit attribution to Lull (cfr. Incipit) and it is dedicated to king Robert. It contains an alphabet and seems to cite the Liber de conservatione vitae humanae. It is in turn cited in the Liber de secretis naturae.


Incipit/explicit: Ego Raymundus Lullus de insula Maioricarum ...(I) Accipe tartarum utriusque vini, tam albi quam rubei .../ ... praesens opusculum optato fine claudatur.
References: S 32; HLF 110; Gl kx, ve; HMES IV, 60, 636; TK 25, 491; Corbett II, 110
Editions: Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Genève1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Erlangen, Universitätsbibl., lat. 871; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.43; Kassel, Landesbibl., Chem. Quarto 34; London, WML, 452; London, WML, 3563; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,482; München, BS, clm 10590; Wien, ÖNB, 11378
Note: Thirty-four alchemical experiments, drawn from various pseudo-Lullian and Arnaldian works. Without alphabets or figures.


Incipit/explicit: Serenissimi reges amantissimi et catholici ... A me quaesivisti ut aliqua ex secretis meis .../ ... quoniam in illis videbitis veritatem.
References: S 34; HLF 285; Gl kl; TK 1438
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.45; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III
Note: Alchemy is compared to Adam's wisdom and the alchemical spirit to the Spiritus domini who floated over the waters at the beginning of the creation.


Incipit/explicit: In nomine domini Iesu Christi ego Raymundus Lullus .../ ... et occultaverunt omnia secreta naturae.
References S 36; HLF 261; Gl ls; TK 491
Edition: M. Pereira, La leggenda di Lullo alchimista, "Estudios Lulianos" 27 (1987), pp. 145-163.
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.50; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III
Note: One of the latest, and the most complete version of the legend of Lull the alchemist.


Incipit/explicit: O clemens Domine Deus magne qui caelum et terram .../ ... contra serpentes et bestias malas.
References: S 40; HLF 291; Gl mu
Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.53
Note: Late elaboration on the making of artificial gems; it is cited in the Liber angelorum de conservatione vitae humanae.


Incipit/explicit: Est lapis unus, medicina una in qua magisterium .../ ... et praestat ei faciem iuvenilem, ut scribitur in libro Pietatis.
References: HLF 109; Gl kw; HMES IV, 644; TK 511; Singer, Catalogue, 508
Edition: Basel 1561 (RD 99)
Manuscript: Napoli, BN, VIII.D.17
Note: Quicksilver is the only matter required for the alchemical opus: the philosophers' stone is made by uniting mercurium calcinatum (hot and dry) and mercurium sublimatum (cold and moist). Without citations from other works of the pseudo-Lullian corpus, alphabet or figures.

(De compositione et virtutibus auri potabilis)

Incipit/explicit: Fili doctrinae, postquam ego Raymundus Lullus vobis declaravi quod .../ ... atque in illius multiplicatione in quantitate in huius tractatus consummatione.
References: S 14; HLF 272; Gl mc; HMES IV, 57, 632; TK 559
Manuscripts: Cambridge, CCC, 99; London, BL, Sloane 1091; Manchester, John Rylands Library, lat. 65; Paris, BN, lat. 7150; Vaticano, lat. 5847
Note: The potable gold is the most perfect medicine, also defined 'humidum radicale' inside the text. Recipes to obtain it, maybe linked to this text, are recorded by Thorndike, HMES IV, 58, 632. Other similar recipes are to be found in Firenze, BNC, II iii 28 ( Secretum Dei Altissimi de auro potabile); Milano, B. Ambrosiana, C 12 Sup. ( Ad aurum potabile). A series of brief treatises on this subject is in MS Palma, BF, 17 (3/9). Cfr. I.54.


Incipit/explicit: Beatissimus Deus sempiternus creator arcanorum .../ ...et fac magisterium narratum.
References: S 59; HLF 303; Gl ng; TK 174
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.56; München, BS, clm 10493b; München, BS, clm 11031; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 I
Note: Alchemical secrets for cosmetic use and for making artificial pearls.


Incipit/explicit: Deus gloriosissimus, Deus altissimus, Deus magnus .../... viduarum ac templorum Dei sacrorum.
References: S 2; HLF 287; Gl mq; TK 408
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.51; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III; Wien, ÖNB, 11282
Note: Medico-alchemical work on the fifth essence of wine. The alchemical opus has religious meaning and must be undertaken for the benefit of the poor.

(Liber magnorum experimentorum)

Incipit/explicit: Adoro te Deus pater omnipotens .../ ... facies praecepta Domini nostri Iesu Christi.
References: S 1; HLF 288; Gl. mr; TK 68
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.54; Mainz, Priesterseminar, s.n. (1); München, BS, clm 10493b; München, BS, clm 11031; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 I; Vaticano, Barb. lat. 215
Note: The experiments are generally derived from the Testamentum, of which this text is a late reworking. First matter is identified with urine. The religious framework is stressed by the repeated mention of the angels and by the definition of the alchemist as `verus Dei sacerdos'.


Incipit/explicit: Tinctura ignis est melior omnibus tincturis .../ ... combustibile et corporale ex vi suae propriae naturae.
References: S 12; HLF 111; Gl ky; HMES IV, 61; TK 1573
Editions: Frankfurt 1550 (RD 96); Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Genève 1701 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.47; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 923; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 482 int. VII; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1480; Paris, B. de l'Arsenal, 3019 int. III
Note: A brief summary of the Theorica Testamenti.

(Thesaurus thesaurorum)

Incipit/explicit: Fili carissime, esto semper humilis .../ ... ut omnia facias cum suo adiutorio.
References: S 76; HLF 290; Gl mt
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.50; München, BS, clm10493c; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 IV
Note: Knowledge necessary to the alchemist who makes `spiritum vegetabilem, sicut mulier infantem in utero generat operante natura'. With a brief history of kings and philosophers who learnt alchemy.


Incipit/explicit: Intendimus (intendo) componere rem admirabilem tactam .../ ... nisi in vero auro puro de minera creato iussu ipsius Dei.
References: S 24; HLF 91; Gl iu; HMES IV, 634; TK 757
Edition: Strasburg 1616 (RD 179)
Manuscripts: Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; Kraków, B. Jagiellonska, 839; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 134; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 354; München, BS, clm 10599; Padova, B. Antoniana, XXIII, 617; Paris, BN, lat. 15096; Wien, ÖNB, 11342
Note: It is a medical treatise, without specifically alchemical themes. It teaches to preserve and restore youth `per conservationem spirituum caloris in suo esse et temperantia' and is similar to R. Bacon, De conservatione iuventutis. Cfr. also the incipit of the treatise De vita philosophorum, attributed to Arnald of Villanova (ed. A. Calvet, "Chrysopoeia" IV, 1990-91).

(Donum Dei)

Incipit/explicit: Laus sit Deo qui gratiam nobis contulit ...Posteaquam per valde longum tempus nostram vitam exercuimus .../ ...reddimus et committimus in praesentem custodiam.
References: S 37; HKF 107; Gl ku; HMES IV, 49, 635, 638; TK 1066, 1206
Edition: Basel 1561 (RD 99)
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 271 (458); Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; London, WML, 384; Manchester, John Rylands Library, lat. 65; Oxford, BL, Digby 162; Überlingen, Leopold-Sophien Bibl., 160; Vaticano, lat. 5846; Venezia, BNM, lat. VI. 215; Wien, ÖNB, 11342
Note: This work is cited by the author of the Testamentum as written by himself but it does not include alphabet nor figures. According to HMES III, p. 626, it might be the work of a certain Bernardus: it also shows some similarities to the alchemical work written by Bernard of Treviri. The alchemist tells of his wanderings and of the quest for the 'lapis philosophorum' that he made with three socii: a theologian, an 'eques et doctor in legibus' and a merchant. The title Donum Dei recalls a homonym work of John Dastin.

(Clausula testamenti; Tractatus scrutationis seu investigationis secretorum; Vademecum)

Incipit/explicit: Quia homo est magis nobile animal de mundo ...Alchimia est ars artificialis ex naturalibus principiis procedens .../ ...de igne communi in tripode secreti. 2nd part: Ista est secunda pars huius libri quae est de alphabeto ...; 3rd part: Ista est tertia pars quae est de practica huius secreti ...
References: S 38; HLF 283, 284; Gl mn,mo; HMES IV, 9, 54, 638-9, 640; TK 779, 1219; Singer, Catalogue, 252, 254
Edition: M. Pereira, Un lapidario alchemico: il 'Liber de investigatione secreti occulti' attribuito a Raimondo Lullo. Studio introduttivo ed edizione, "Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale" I,2 (1990), pp. 549-603.
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Bologna, BU, 168 (180); Bologna, BU, 270 (457) II.1; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) V.1; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XXXVI.3; Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 202; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.133; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; København, KB, Gl. kgl. S. 236; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. O 3; London, BL, Harley 5399; London, BL, Sloane 2128; London, WML, 526; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10600; Orléans, B. Municipale, 291; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Palma, BF, 17 (3/9); Paris, BN, lat. 7163; Parma, B. Palatina, 1427; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Vaticano, Capponiani lat. 254; Venezia, BNM, lat. VI. 215; Wien, ÖNB, 2474; Wien, ÖNB, 5485; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: It is one of the most interesting texts of the corpus. Remarkable Lullian elements are present: not only figures, a tree and an alphabet, but also conceptual devices as the correlatives. Alchemy, meant as the lapis or principle of transmutation, is the secret which cannot be produced by nature alone; it needs man's work, artificium. The philosophers' stone is vegetable, animal and mineral; its purpose is generation, and therefore it must be generated out of living beings (`de substanciis vivis'). The true principle of alchemy is man's urine. The practical part of this treatise is an 'ars lapidifica' very near to that described in the Liber lapidarii and in the Compendium animae transmutationis metallorum, but using urine as first matter, instead of alchemical waters or the fifth essence of wine.


Incipit/explicit: Si vis facere aquam vitae .../ ...corporum et spirituum secundum Raymundum Lullium dicta sufficiant.
References: S 43; HLF 120; Gl lh; TK 1470
Editions: Basel 1610 (RD 164); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 390; Paris, BN, franç.19069; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-39
Note: Brief practica, concerning the perfect 'aqua vitae'. There are neither alphabets nor figures nor specific Lullian procedures. In MS Riccardiana 390 it seems to be considered a chapter of the Potestas divitiarum (cfr. I.56).


Incipit/explicit: Omnipotens sempiterne Deus fortis et potens .../ ...vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum amen.
References: S 53; HLF 295; Gl my; TK 944
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.58; München, BS, clm 10493c; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 IV
Note: Brief practica which teaches to extract 'argentum vivum' from cinnabar.


Incipit/explicit: Fili carissime et princeps serenissime, maximum arcanum tibi volo revelare ...O Domine, Jesu Christe, qui in hoc mundo venisti .../ ...et erit aqua perfecta pro separatione hominis.
References S 58; HLF 307; Gl nl
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.61
Note: The stone extracted from the human body is stronger and more perfect than 'lapis vegetabilis'. Man must be prepared with remedies and diet in order to obtain a pure human stone.


Incipit/explicit: Carissimi fratres, Deus magnus, Deus caritatis, Deus pius et misericors in hoc demonstravit caritatem suam .../ ...tradi nocentium et dirum crucis subire tormenti.
References: S 61; HLF 273; Gl md
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.57; München, BS, clm 10493c; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 IV
Note: Mystical text on the fifth essence. Alchemy is the true and noblest philosophy. With an alchemical figure.


Incipit/explicit: Contristatus erat Raymundus ...Deus gloriosus, cum tuae sublimis bonitatis ...Ordimur namque tibi fili .../ ...Christi custodire commendavit. 3rd part: Haec est tertia distinctio ...
References: S 13, 27, 66; HLF 114, 124; Gl jv, lc, lm, ml, oj; HMES IV, 39, 648; TK 263, 408, 602, 1018; Singer, Catalogue, 255; Corbett I, 136
Editions(all editions are incomplete): Venezia 1514 (RD 50); Augsburg 1518 (RD 71); Venezia 1521 (RD 77); Lyone 1535 (RD 85); Strasburg 1541 (RD 91); Venezia 1542 (RD 92); Nürnberg 1546 (RD 94); Basel 1562 (RD 99); Köln 1567 (RD 110); Ursell 1602 (RD 151); Strasburg 1613 (RD 174); Strasburg 1616 (RD 179); Strasburg 1659 (RD 239); M. Pereira, Filosofia naturale lulliana e alchimia. Con l'inedito epilogo del 'Liber de secretis naturae seu de quinta essentia', "Rivista di Storia della Filosofia" 41 (1986), pp. 747-780.
Manuscripts: Barcelona, BC, 1727; Barcelona, BC, 1740; Bern, Bürgerbibl.,A 78; Bethlehem (Penn.), Lehigh University Library, 1; Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Bologna. BU, 168 (180); Bologna, BU, 169 (181); Bologna, BU, 270 (457) V.2; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XII.6; Brrokland D.C., Holy Name College, 16; Cambridge, CCC, 112; Cambridge, CCC, 395; Cambridge, CCC, 396; Cambridge, Trinity College, 1199; Cambridge, Trinity College, 1407; Canterbury, Cathedral Library, 50; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XV.22; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.40; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI. 133; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 792; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 948; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. Q 33; London, BL, Harley 5399; London, BL, Sloane 75; London, BL, Sloane 1091; London, BL, Sloane 2170; London, BL, Sloane 3604; London, WML, 186; London, WML, 452; Madrid, B. de la Academia de la Historia, 9-31-8-7117; Madrid, BN, 7443; Mainz, Priesterseminar, 220; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 216 Inf.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 512 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 355; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,479; München, BS, clm 10573; München, BS, clm 24111; Oxford, BL, 645; Oxford, BL, 879; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1437; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1471; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Oxford, CCC, 244; Palma, BF, 17 (3/9); Palma, CPL, 2; Palma, B. Vivot, s.s. (Papeles varios, 4); Paris, B. Mazarine, 3501; Paris, BN, lat. 7164; Paris, BN, lat. 7167; Paris, BN, lat. 7177; Paris, BN, lat. 12969; Paris, BN, 14008; Reggio Emilia, B. Municipale, Mss. vari E 10; Vaticano, Reg. lat. 1468; Vaticano, Ross. lat. 576; Vicenza, B. Comunale Bertoliniana, 328; Wien, ÖNB, 5485; Wien, ÖNB, 5509; Wien, ÖNB 11333; Wien, ÖNB, 11342; Wien, ÖNB, 12834; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3284; Yale, BLMC, 12


Incipit: Ista est regula infrascripta datur de lineis quae oriuntur ...
Reference: TK 781
Manuscripts: Bruxelles, B. Royale, 3751; London, WML, 443; Vaticano, lat. 5847


Incipit: Protinus ut ars et scientia transmutatoria de qua in praecedenti volumine edisseruimus ...
References: S 60; HLF 280; Gl mk; TK 1145; Singer, Catalogue, 246-7
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., B 44; Bruxelles, B. Royale, 3751; Cambridge, CCC, 112; Canterbury, Cathedral Library, 50; Mainz, Priesterseminar, 220; München, BS, clm 10576

Note: It is one of the two basic works (with the Testamentum) of the pseudo-Lullian alchemical corpus. It is linked to the Liber de consideratione quintae essentiae written by John of Rupescissa around 1351-52, and concerns alchemy in its threefold division: medical, transmutatory and lapidifica. It was the main vehicle for the diffusion of the alchemical practice based on the fifth essence of wine. The third distinction circulated as an independent text, sometimes with the title listed under I.39a. The relation of I.39b to the main text is more uncertain.


Incipit/explicit: Fili carissime et amantissime, gloriosus Dominus Deus ordinavit quod quintam essentiam .../ ...in mentem tuam, ut omnia facias sicut tibi praecepimus.
References: S 63; HLF 289; Gl ms; TK 559
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.45; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; Mainz, Priesterseminar, s.n. (1); München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III
Note: On the fifth essence, against the wicked alchemists who ignore the true 'argentum vivum'. Without alphabets or figures.


Incipit/explicit: Rex illustrissime et serenissime .../ ...qui continet in se omnem perfectionem et fortissimus et super omnia in terris.
References: S 62; HLF 265; Gl lw; TK 1360
Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI. 58
Note: The distillation of urine is described.


Incipit/explicit: Gravissime vir Roberte ...Est autem alius modus nobilior transmutandi .../ ... tibi dicta in annis tribus cum Dei vountate.
References: S 65; HLF 262; Gl lt; TK 506, 591
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI. 45; Mainz, Priesterseminar, s.n. (1)
Note: Alchemical procedures to obtain the philosophers' stone, here called 'ovum philosophorum', through three kinds of sulphur (animal, vegetal and mineral).


Incipit/explicit: Fili carissime, sequens vas est illud cum quo aquam vitae facere .../ ... de quo habes particularem tractatum in arte maiori necessaria.
References: S 77; HKF 297; Gl na; TK 559
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.55
Note: Vessels to be used in the various alchemical operations. MS II iii 28 has beautiful illustrations of several vessels.


Incipit/explicit: Laus Deo, sint gratiae bonitatis, pietatis et misericordiae, qui donavit nobis rem .../ ...fructum rubedinis et claritatis.
References: S 28; HLF 271; Gl kk; TK 812, 813
Manuscripts: Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10600; Paris, BN, lat. 7161; Vaticano, lat. 10811
Note: Mystical secrets of alchemy.

(Liber de compositione lapidis mineralis; Practica lapidum pretiosorum)

Incipit/explicit: Deus in veritate tua incipio in primis tractare generationem lapidum (Deus in virtute tuae sanctae trinitatis incipio tractare ...) ...Et primo fili tibi dicemus (Et fili primo indiges ...) .../ ...istam aquam potes custodire semper. 2nd part: Tu fili in virtute sanctae trinitatis accipias de aqua mercurii ... Version abridged at the beginning: Omissis praeambulis necessariis ...
References: S 42; HLF 113; Gl la, lb; HMES IV, 640-642, 645; TK 409, 517
Editions: Basel 1610 (RD 164)
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bologna, BU, 20 (12) I.9; Cambridge, CCC, 112; Firenze, BML, Ashb. 190; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Genève, B. Publique et Universitaire, lat. 82; London, WML, 444; London, WML, 526; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 134; München, BS, clm 10599; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1471; Oxford, BL, Ashm, 1483; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1484; Oxford, CCC, 244; Paris, BN, lat. 7150; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-39; Vaticano, Pal. lat. 381; Wien, ÖNB, 5230; Wien, ÖNB, 5487; Wien, ÖNB, 5509; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3076; Yale, BLMC, 12
Note: One of the most ancient works of the corpus, explicitly linked to the Testamentum, but without alphabet or figures. It concerns the making of artificial gems using three principles: 'argentum vivum, aquae subtiles, virtutes stellarum'. It gives an accurate account of the difference between alchemy as transmutatory art and alchemy as lapidifica in the chapter `De generatione lapidis et de diversitate sui operis'.


Incipit/explicit: Rex serenissime et amantissime fili, pluries ac pluries me rogasti .../ ...completo de hoc auro potabili soluto pro medicinis creandis.
References: S 44; HLF 293; Gl mw; HMES IV, 13-14; TK 1361
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.55
Note: Treatise on potable gold, linked to the Testamentum novissimum.


Incipit/explicit: Iamdudum rex serenissime de transmutatione metallorum locuti sumus ...In virtute de A accipe B album odoriferum .../ ...et ad finem gaudia aeternalia possidebis.
References: S 46; HLF 116; Gl le, oa; HMES IV, 642; TK 648
Editions: Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 142 (109); Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, Magl. XVI.40; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI,105; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.133; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 942; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, R 118 Sup.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 134; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 482; München, BS, clm 10590; München, BS, clm 10599; München, BS, clm 25103; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1450; Padova, BU, 1380; Paris, BN, nouv. acquis. lat. 634; Paris, BN, franç.14798; Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Library, 1; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Wien, ÖNB, 5485
Note: Practical summary for the composition of 'menstruum vegetabile', mainly related to the Testamentum and Codicillus.


Incipit/explicit: Rex scias quod spiritus domini ferebatur super aquas .../ ...quoniam viso nobis me traditurum omnia secreta sibi.
References: S 54; HLF 298; Gl nb; HMES IV, 12; TK 1361
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.51
Note: Theory of transmutation and its links with cosmological themes.

(Alphabetum divinum de lapide minerali et de definitione alchimiae; Practica testamenti)

Incipit:explicit: Rex serenissime et amantissime fili, divina potentia omnia ordinavit .../ ...et sic est finita specificatio primae tabulae ad laudem Dei.
References: S 64; HLF 129; Gl lz; TK 1361
Edition: Köln1592 (RD 139)
Manuscripts: El Escorial, g.II.5; München, BS, clm 25105; München, BS, clm 27434; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1451; Palma, BF, (3/25); Reggio Emilia, B. Municipale, MSS vari F 82; Roma, B. Casanatense, 3567
Note: It is a miscellaneous text, linked to the Liber de conservationae vitae humanae (I.32) and to Hermetic works. In some manuscripts it is confused with the second part of the Testamentum (cfr. also II.41).


Incipit/explicit: Fili, omnes sapientes occultaverunt secreta naturae .../ ...per Christum dominum nostrum.
References: S 67; HLF 296; Gl mz; TK 560
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.57; Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III
Note: The alchemical wedding , concealed by the ancient wise men, are now revealed. The text also gives a list of alchemists beginning from Adam.

(Elucidatio testamenti ad regem Angliae; Practica quae dicitur secunda pars apertorii)

Incipit/explicit: Tu in virtute Dei (de A; ipsius A) recipe solem calcinatum vel foliatum .../ ...in perpetuum et secum tingere in infinitum.
References: S 45; HLF 294; Gl mx; HMES IV, 636; TK 1590-91
Edition: Basel 1610 (RD 164)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 169 (181); El Escorial, f.I. 10; London, WML, 3557; London, WML, 3563; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,469; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,474; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,493; München, BS, clm 10600; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1490; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-39; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Venezia, BNM, lat. VI.215
Note: Often confused with the Elucidatio testamenti (I.19), from which it is quite different. It is a practical treatise which describes four ways to obtain the philosophers' stone, referring to various chapters of the Testamentum. Two recipes of 'tincturae particulares', one of which begins: `Recipe nigrum nigrius nigro', are recorded at the end of the text.


Incipit/explicit: Tempore serenissimi Roberti Anglorum regis .../ ...et paratus sum semper oboedire mandatis tuis.
References: S 47; HLF 267; Gl ly; TK 1559
Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.50
Note: A late version of the legend of Lull the alchemist, with a dialogue about the truth of alchemy.

(Magnum apertorium; Noli ire sine me)

Incipit/explicit: Ad reddendum gratias ...Nos volumus incipere et ponere in scripto scientiam et artem praesentem .../ ...cum modica parte corporum imperfectorum fiunt lapides pretiosi.
References : S 17; HLF 268; Gl lz
Manuscripts: Barcelona, BC, 686; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 205; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 482; München, BS, clm 10493c; München, BS, clm 11032; Palma, B. Ayamans, s.n.; Palma, BF, 16 (2/32); Palma, CPL, 16; Palma, CPL, 18; Palma, CPL, 19; Palma, CPL, 36; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 IV
Note: Practical treatise concerning the fifth essence and the 'terra azoquea'.


Incipit/explicit: Dico igitur primo quod aurum potabile .../ ...sanitatis conservationem exhibuit.
References: HLF 120; Gl lo; TK 423
Edition: Basel 1610 (RD 164)
Manuscripts: Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-39; Vaticano, Pal. lat. 381
Note: Cfr. other texts on potable gold (I.26 Note).


Incipit/explicit: Deus qui in trinitate semper gaudes ...Fili regimen primi operis est ut tu accipias de argento vivo vegetabili .../ ...sicut dictum est in libro angelorum et aliis libris secretis.
References: S 55; HLF 299; Gl nc
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.55
Note: The alchemical process according to nature is opposed to the one described by an author defined paganus.


Incipit/explicit: Dixit (dicit) philosophus: Accipe (sume) lapidem nostrum benedictum qui non est lapis .../ ...et prosequere sicut in argento docuimus.
References: HLF 121; Gl li; HMES III, 686-88; IV, 645; TK 456, 20; Corbett I, 146-148; II, 41-42
Editions: Basel 1610 (RD 164); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 138 (104); Bologna, BU, 169 (181); Bologna, BU, 747 (1492); Firenze, BNC, Pal. 887; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 390; London, WML, 526; Madrid, BN, 2151; Paris, BN, lat. 7165; Rimini, B. Civica Gambalunghiana, 88; Toledo, B. del Cabildo, 96-39
Note: Practical treatise, very near to themes developed in the Codicillus. Often attributed in manuscripts to Hortulanus.

(Effectus aquae vini et quintae essentiae)

Incipit/explicit: Rex illustrissime, vinum igitur ex quo aqua nostra .../ ...huic nulla paria esse dicebat, cuius rei testis sum ego Raymundus.
References: HLF 310; Gl nn; TK 1360
Manuscripts: København, KB, Gl. kgl. S 1713; Paris, BN, lat. 17829
Note: Brief text on distillation, without alphabet or figures.


Incipit/explicit: Sciendum est rex serenissime .../ ...et in triginta diebus poteris componere lapidem.
References: S 49; HLF 305 (1); Gl ni; TK 1396
Manuscript: Firenze, BNC, II iii 28
Note: Alchemy has four main purposes: transmutation of metals, remedies for human health, artificial gems and the softening of glass (`quartum, omnem vitrum facere malleabile').


Incipit/explicit: Fili iamdudum me rogasti .../ ...quos homines (carnales) invenire non poterunt.
References: S 50; HLF 305 (2); Gl nj; TK 560
Manuscripts: Graz, Universitätsbibl., 42; München, BS, clm 10493d; München, BS, clm 11032; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 III
Note: The wine that is to be used for distillation is red wine, `vinum nigrum quod Regi Roberto diximus nigrum nigrius nigro, illud aenigmatibus illudendo'. The author gives instructions on every stage of the wine-making, beginning from the best location of the vineyard. Praises of the aqua vitae.


Incipit/explicit:Cum ita sit quod natura per suum continuum cursum .../ ...parum de dicta aqua mercurii etc.
References: S 25; HLF 118; Gl lg; Tk 313
Edition: Basel 1561 (RD 99)
Manuscript: Paris, BN, franç.14798
Note: Four possibilities of shortening the alchemical opus from one year to six weeks. The alchemical oven is said to be a symbol of the sky and the vessel of the mine. Without alphabet or figures. No reference is made to any other of the pseudo-Lullian alchemical works.


Incipit/explicit: Deus qui gloriose omnipotens existis, propter amare, intelligere et recolere ...Entia realia stantia in suis primordialibus (Principia naturalia primordialia) .../ ...gubernata cum cultivatione non te privabit suo fructu. 2nd part: Alchimia est una pars occultae philosophiae naturalis ...
References: HLF 103; Gl kq, kq1, nv; HMES IV, 651-2; TK 77, 410; Singer, Catalogue, 244; Corbett I, 191, 240, 274
Editions (all editions include only the first and second books): Köln1566 (RD 106); Köln1573 (RD 119); Ursell 1602 (RD 151); Strasburg 1613 (RD 174); Strasburg 1659 (RD 239); Rouen 1663 (RD 247); Genève 1702 (RD 285)
Manuscripts: Amsterdam, Bibliotheca Hermetica Philosophica, 16; Barcelona, BC, 1726; Barcelona, BC, 1728; Bern, Bürgerbibl., A 78; Bernkastel-Kues, Hospitalbibl., 83; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) V.8; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XXIII.1; Bologna, BU, 523 (927); Bordeaux, B. Municipale, 530; Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 201; Caen, B. Municipale, 143; Cambridge, CCC, 112; El Escorial, g.II.5; Firenze, BML, Gaddi reliq. 174; Firenze, BNC, II iii 27; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.59; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 792; Glasgow, University Library, B.C.10b.5; Leiden, BR, Voss. Chym. O 5; London, BL, Harley 3369; London, BL, Sloane 419; London, BL, Sloane 976; London, BL, Sloane 1255; London, BL, Sloane 3457; London, WML, 445; London, WML, 452; London, WML, 526; London, WML, 1041; London, WML, 3563; Madrid, BN, 18341; Madrid, BN, 18361; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, N 223 Sup.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, P 148 Sup.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, R 94 Sup.; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, D 130 Inf.; Montserrat, B. del Monastir, 205; Napoli, BN, VIII D 17; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1480; Oxford, BL, Ashm. 1483; Oxford, CCC, 244; Palma, BF, 16 (2/32); Palma, BF, 17 (3/9); Paris, B. de l'Arsenal, 3024; Paris, BN, lat. 7166; Paris, BN, lat. 14008; Paris, BN, franç.2019; Praha, Universitní Knihovna, Lobk. 249; Roma, B. Casanatense, 657; Sevilla, B. Capitular y Colombina, 5-3-26; Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibl., HB XI 48; Vaticano, lat. 5846; Wien, ÖNB, 5487; Wien, ÖNB, 12834; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, 3076; Yale, BLMC, 12; Yale, BLMC, 39


Incipit: Fili, si tu volueris facere vel scire artem ...
References: TK 561; Singer, Catalogue, 253 xx
Manuscript: Cambridge, CCC, 396


Incipit: Cucurbitae cum alembico tinctura cum receptorii ...
References: TK 275; Singer, Catalogue, 266
Manuscript: Cambridge, CCC, 396


Incipit: Nunc dicemus per viam practicae aliquot ramos ...
References: HMES IV, 632; TK 963
Editions: It is edited as `Liber secundus' of the Testamentum novissimum(I.62)
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XIV.3; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.77

(Liber ad faciendum mercuria et elixires ex illis; Tractatus ad faciendum ...)

Incipit: Fili, oportet ut (necesse est quod) intelligas operationes ... Tu accipies de liquore lunariae vel menstrualis ...
References: S 52; HLF 108, 301; Gl kv, ne; HMES IV, 643-4; TK 560; Singer, Catalogue, 246
Editions: Basel 1561 (RD 99); Köln 1567 (RD 109)
Manuscripts: Bern, Bürgerbibl., B 44; Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XIV.3; Bologna, BU, 524 (928); Firenze, BML, Ashb. 190; London, WML, 384; London, WML, 444; Madrid, BN, 18341; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10600; Padova, BU, 1380 I; Paris, BN, nouv. acquis. lat. 634; Vaticano, Pal. lat. 381 II; Wien, ÖNB, 5485

(De furnis et vasis; Liber patientiae; Liber tertius testamenti)

Incipit: Fili ad componendum dictam (summam) medicinam, matrem et imperatricem omnium medicinarum ...In hoc magisterio tres fornaces ...(Fili tu debes intelligere quod omnia elementa ...)
References: S 35, 56; HLF 312-3; Gl np, nq, nx; HMES IV, 31, 637; TK 559; Singer, Catalogue, 248
Editions: It is edited as part of the `Liber secundus' of the Testamentum novissimum (I.62; cfr. I.61c).
Manuscripts: Bologna, BU, 270 (457) XIV.3; Cambridge, CCC, 396; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.77; London, BL, Sloane 1091; London, WML, 444; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm 10599; Paris, BN, nouv, acquis, lat. 634

(Forma minor testamenti)

Incipit: Dispositiones corporis mobilis sunt tres ...
References: S 71; HLF 300; Gl nd; TK 438
Manuscripts: München, BS, clm 27000; San Juan de Capistrano (Calif.), The Library of R.B. Honeyman jr., ms. B


Incipit: Nunc dicemus creationem mercuriorum rubeorum ...
References: S 26; HLF 302; Gl nf; TK 963
Manuscript: München, BS, clm10600

Note: It is the basic text of the pseudo-Lullian corpus, using alphabets and figures as mnemonic and heuristic devices and citing two authentic works by Lull (the Arbor philosophiae desideratae and the Liber Principiorum Medicinae). It is also one of the most important alchemical treatises of the fourteenth century, since it is - together with the Rosarius attributed to Arnald of Villanova - one of the first to develop the idea of the elixir as the agent of general perfection of matter. Alchemy is seen therefore as having a threefold purpose, as 'ars transmutatoria, medica, lapidifica'. The complete text is formed by I.61, 61d, 61e, 61c, generally followed by the Cantilena (I.7), to which the colophon of the Testamentum explicitly refers. Items I.61a, 61b, 61f and 61g are parts of the main text. MS Oxford, CCC, 244 contains the text both in Catalan and in Latin (a bilingual edition of the text, prepared by Michela Pereira and Barbara Spaggiari, is currently under press for 'Edizioni del Galluzzo', Firenze). Other early versions (XIV-XVth c.) in French and Anglonorman languages are Paris, BN, franç 2019 and Glasgow, UL, Hamilton 26.

(Testamentum ultimum; Declaratio Raymundi in artem chymicam)

Incipit/explicit: Cum ad nos venisti, dilectissime fili ac princeps invictissime in tali passu .../ ...cum omnibus suis circumstanciis diffusam ac claram.
References: S 70; HLF 128; Gl lq; HMES IV, 26; TK 279
Editions (all editions include, as `Liber secundus', I.61e and I.61c and are followed by I.7 ): Basel 1572 (RD 116); Basel 1600 (RD 147); Basel 1610 (RD 164); Frankfurt 1630 (RD 202); Genève1702 (RD 285).
Manuscripts: Brescia, B. Civica Queriniana, J.III. 23/4; Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.43; Firenze, BNC, Pal. 1026; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 669; Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 923; London, WML, 3563; Milano, B. Ambrosiana, I 143 Inf.; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; Montpellier, B. de l'École de Médécine,469; München, BS, 1040 (ital. 167); München, BS, clm 10600; Torino, BU, 1314; Venezia, BNM, VI.308
Note: The author tries to demonstrate the concordance among the texts of the corpus, through the definition of the most significant alchemical terms there used. The description of the practical opus is made in accordance with a tree-like schema.


Incipit/explicit: Altissime domine Deus fortis .../ ...tecum in saecula saeculorum amen.
References: S 75; HLF 304; Gl nh
Manuscripts: Firenze, BNC, Magl. XVI.48; München, BS, clm 10493a; München, BS, clm 11031; Pesaro, B. Oliveriana, 1595 II
Note: A treatise on the fifth essence extracted from human blood and its medical use.


Incipit/explicit: Fili, duae sunt aquae extractae .../...demonstratio huius operis cum capitulo sequenti.
References: S 7,8; HLF 125; Gl ln; cfr. TK 559
Edition: Köln1567 (RD 110)
Manuscripts: London, WML, 452; Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibl., HB XI 48; Vaticano, lat. 5847; Wien, ÖNB, 2474
Note: On alchemical waters; this text is often confused with the Apertorium (I.2), and it is perhaps a summary of its contents.

(Experimentorum apertorium)

Incipit/explicit: Scito quod sapientes in miraculo lapidis posuerunt multas operationes .../ ...quoniam in cognitione causarum universalium sapiens et ignorans aliquando adaequantur.
References: S 39; HLF 278; Gl mi; TK 1410
Manuscripts: Firenze, B. Riccardiana, 984; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 362; Modena, B. Estense, lat. 364; München, BS, clm10600
Note: It is an alchemical practica similar to the Apertorium, with which Salzinger himself seems to confuse it. It is linked to the alchemical teaching of Johannes Rigaud de Branchiis.

Last updating : november 1997

Breviculum, miniatura 4:
Erkenntnis und Lehre des Raimundus
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